1. Leadership development
  2. Leadership skills
  3. Influencing

Influencing: Understanding How It Works

Understand the basics of influencing, an important leadership skill. Learn how to use it to your advantage and develop the skills needed to be a successful leader.

Influencing: Understanding How It Works

In the world of leadership, having the ability to influence others is one of the most important skills you can possess. But what exactly is influencing and how does it work? In this article, we'll explore the concept of influencing and understand why it's so important for successful leadership. Influencing is a process of using personal or positional power to affect the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of others. It's about connecting with people and understanding their needs, desires, and motivations. It's about finding common ground and creating relationships that are beneficial for both parties. It's also about understanding how people think, react, and interpret messages.

By understanding these elements, you can better tailor your communication to create an environment that is conducive to your desired outcome. By mastering the art of influencing, leaders can build trust, motivate employees, and create a workplace culture that is productive and positive.

Using Influencing Techniques Effectively

PreparationWhen using influencing techniques, preparation is key. To prepare for a conversation, you should take the time to research the issue, understand the other person's perspective, and anticipate their response. This can help you craft an effective argument and set yourself up for success.

Clarity and Concision

Being clear and concise when communicating your points is essential when using influencing techniques. By being clear and to-the-point, you can ensure that your message is understood and that you can get your desired outcome.

Responding to Objections or Resistance

When you are confronted with objections or resistance, it is important to respond in a diplomatic way.

Restating the point in a different way or offering an alternative solution can help you effectively address the issue without alienating the other person.


Assertiveness can be used to stand firm on your point without being aggressive. This is an important skill to have when using influencing techniques, as it allows you to remain confident without intimidating the other person.

Developing Your Influencing Skills

Developing your influencing skills is an important part of becoming an effective leader. There are several strategies that you can use to improve your ability to influence others. These include observing successful influencers, practicing with colleagues, seeking feedback from others, and building trust with those you are trying to influence.

Observing Successful Influencers: One of the best ways to develop your influencing skills is to observe how successful influencers operate. Pay attention to their language, body language, and strategies they use to build relationships with others. You can also get ideas from books and articles on the subject.

Practicing with Colleagues:

Once you have identified successful influencers and strategies, it is important to practice them in real-world situations.

Find a colleague who is willing to help you hone your skills. Ask for their honest feedback on how you performed and what strategies worked best for them.

Seeking Feedback from Others:

Getting feedback from others is essential for improving your influencing skills. Ask friends, family members, and colleagues for their honest opinions on how you could improve.

This feedback can help you gain insight into what works and what doesn’t when it comes to influencing others.

Building Trust with Others:

Building trust with those you are trying to influence is an important part of successful influencing. Be honest and transparent about your intentions and be open to feedback from others. This will help build trust and respect between you and those you are trying to influence.

Self-Awareness: It is also important to have a good understanding of your own biases and motivations when using influencing techniques. Being aware of your own biases will help you recognize when they may be impacting your ability to influence others.

Using Feedback Constructively:

Finally, it is important to use feedback constructively. When receiving feedback from others, focus on understanding the core message instead of just listening for criticism.

This will help you learn from your mistakes and make improvements in your influencing approach. In conclusion, it is clear that influencing is an important skill for leaders to have. Leaders can use influencing techniques effectively by preparing thoroughly, being clear and concise, responding to objections, building trust, and seeking feedback. It is also important for leaders to have self-awareness when using influencing techniques, as well as taking ethical considerations into account.

By following these strategies, leaders can use influencing to their advantage and achieve the results they desire.

Beatrice Marmerchant
Beatrice Marmerchant

Extreme pop culture lover. Devoted music evangelist. Proud pop culture junkie. Hipster-friendly travel aficionado. Lifelong beer practitioner. Proud social media geek.