1. Organizational development
  2. Organizational development principles and models
  3. Force field analysis

Force Field Analysis: An Overview

This article provides an overview of Force Field Analysis, a tool for understanding how change can be effectively implemented in an organization.

Force Field Analysis: An Overview

Force field analysis is a powerful tool used to analyze the forces that support or oppose a change in an organization. It is a popular tool used by organizational development professionals to identify the forces that may be influencing changes within an organization. This article provides an overview of force field analysis, explaining the concept, its application, and the potential benefits of using this approach in organizational development. In essence, force field analysis is a method used to evaluate the forces for and against a particular change. It helps to identify the sources of resistance to change, as well as those elements that can facilitate a successful transformation.

By understanding the dynamics of these forces, organizations can better plan for change and create strategies for successful implementation. This article will look at the concept of force field analysis, provide an example of its application, and discuss the potential benefits of using this technique.

Key Benefits of Force Field Analysis

Force Field Analysis offers several key benefits when used as a tool for making successful changes in an organization. These include:Identifying both supportive and opposing forces – Force Field Analysis helps organizations understand both the positive and negative aspects of a proposed change. This allows them to develop an effective strategy for implementation.

Analyzing external factors

– Force Field Analysis takes into account any external factors that may affect the success or failure of a proposed change. This helps organizations prepare for potential challenges and make informed decisions about how to proceed.

Evaluating results

– Evaluating the results of implementing a proposed change helps organizations learn from their experiences and make better decisions in the future.


Force Field Analysis is a powerful tool for understanding how change can be effectively implemented in an organization.

By identifying both supportive and opposing forces, analyzing external factors, and evaluating results, organizations can develop an effective strategy for making successful changes. The tool helps organizations to understand which forces are likely to help or hinder the implementation of a proposed change. Through a thorough analysis of the forces at play, organizations can ensure that the change is implemented successfully and that any potential risks are minimized. Ultimately, Force Field Analysis is a useful tool for organizations looking to implement change. By understanding the forces that can support or oppose a change, organizations can develop an effective strategy for making successful changes. In conclusion, Force Field Analysis is a valuable tool for understanding how change can be effectively implemented in an organization. By identifying both supportive and opposing forces, analyzing external factors, and evaluating results, organizations can develop an effective strategy for making successful changes.

Beatrice Marmerchant
Beatrice Marmerchant

Extreme pop culture lover. Devoted music evangelist. Proud pop culture junkie. Hipster-friendly travel aficionado. Lifelong beer practitioner. Proud social media geek.